sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Spread sunshine. New ATC

Tenía impresas unas transparencias desde hace tiempo y no les había dado uso.
Así que siguiendo la máxima de la Sita Ana "y qué hago yo con esto"?, pues las he coloreado con rotuladores Copic y las he montado sobre unas hojas de un diccionario francés.
El sello "Spread sunshine" es de Hero Arts
A mí me gusta el efecto. Espero que a vosotras también.
ATC disponible para intercambiar.

I had some transparencies printed out and I didn't know what to do with them.
So I colored them with Copics and mounted them onto a french dictionary page.

"Spread sunshine" stamp is from Hero Arts.
I like the effect. Hope you like it too.
ATC available for trading.

8 comentarios:

  1. Chica...qué mente la tuya...no para d crear!!!!
    Una preciosidad...

  2. Muy lindo trabajo!!
    Saludos desde México.

  3. Hello. I am wondering if you can help me. You see, I am trying to "conquer the world with art" - that is to say, send an ATC to as many countries as I can.

    Currently I have sent my art to 37 different countries, but Spain is not one of them. My ATCs are all handdrawn, and I tend to create cards by request - so I will draw whatever you want me to. Although I specialise in animals. You do not need to send me anything in return, but if you want to, it would be most appreciated.

    If you are interested, please feel free to drop by my blog or my website (http://lemurkat.co.nz) and leave me a message or an email.

    Thank you,

  4. hola, veo que ahora si que tienes tiempo ¿eh?
    te ha quedado muy mono a ver si me enseñas.


Muchas gracias por tu visita.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
